Greenhouse Logo - The Greenhouse Licensed Vegetarian and Vegan Restaurant, Manchester
Licensed Vegetarian and Vegan Restaurant
331 Gt Western Street, Rusholme, Manchester M14 4AN
170 yards from Wilmslow Road at junction with Heald Grove
Tel: +44 (0) 161 224 0730
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Useful Links Logo - The Greenhouse Licensed Vegetarian and Vegan Restaurant, Manchester
Vegetarian Society
Friends of the Earth
Unicorn Grocery
Therapeutic Massage
Famous Vegetarians
Vegan Society
Good Energy
Animal Aid

Reservations: 0800 092 2733 (Freephone UK only) or +44 (0) 161 224 0730
or through this website (click here)

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This page was last amended: Tuesday 15th December 2009
Site developed and maintained by Robin Knight